Sunday, December 22, 2024

A Man of Christmas


A "Man of Christmas" shows God's character because of a deep appreciation for God's love and patience. This doesn’t take away from the Jesus Christ as the true “Christmas Man.” Instead, it highlights the kind of person God wants to shape us into through the Holy Spirit, by making us right with God (justification), making us grow spiritually (sanctification), and preparing us for eternal life (glorification). We can see this character in Joseph’s actions in the Christmas story. He shows us how to reject revenge when wronged, obey God even when it doesn’t make sense, and put God’s plans ahead of our own desires.

So how does Joseph demonstrate this for us? Take a minute to review Matthew 1:18-25. Here Joseph learns of Mary’s pregnancy, has a dream about the pregnancy, and responds to those two revelations.

First, Joseph doesn’t seek revenge for what seems like a betrayal. 1 Peter 3:9 tells us not repay evil for evil. Joseph, being a righteous man, does not act on his “right” to seek revenge for what Mary has done to him. Mary is betrothed to him, which in their time meant they were legally married but hadn’t yet lived together or consummated their marriage.

Today, it’s common for couples to live together before marriage and even have sex before making a formal commitment. But Joseph, as a righteous man, is following God’s standards. Mary, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to have the same commitment to God and Joseph. She has obviously fooled around with another guy, gotten knocked up, and betrayed Joseph’s faithfulness. As icing on the cake she’s got a fantastic story to cover her unfaithfulness. Imagine the heartbreak, the humiliation, and the rage you would feel in that moment. What would you do?

It would be hard not to defend your honor publicly, to expose the truth and make sure everyone knew what she had done. But Joseph, even though hurt and confused, chooses not to disgrace Mary. In that time, a scandal like this would make her untouchable to another guy at best and subject to Levitical law at worst, which means death. But Joseph doesn’t think first of his honor, his revenge, his heartbreak, or his anger, he looks to protect her reputation all he can. “Not wanting to disgrace her publicly, (Joseph) decided to divorce her secretly.” Matthew 1:19

But this heartbreak isn't the end of the story. Joseph obeys God even when it doesn’t make sense.

Contrary to popular belief, humans 2,000 years ago didn’t easily believe in supernatural conception. It doesn’t take much of an understanding of biological science to know how babies are made. Mary’s story doesn’t fit with reality, but then, Joseph has a dream. In the dream an angel confirms Mary’s fantastic story, tells Joseph to marry the girl, and to name the boy Jesus. Even modern science can’t predict the sex of a baby without an ultrasound.

Imagine how you would react in the morning? Would you assume the pizza you ate the night before was bad? Maybe someone slipped you a micky? Maybe you were exposed to some foreign chemical that caused some imbalance in your psyche? But Joseph obeys God even against reason. This is the kind of faith Abraham had when God told him to pick up everything and take off on a grand adventure to a promised land and future that was beyond imagination. This kind of faith is considered righteousness.

But even as Joseph sets out into the great unknown, he doesn’t stop there. He also chooses to put God’s glory above his own desires.

Joseph doesn’t sleep with Mary until after Jesus is born. Even though everyone would assume Mary had cheated on him it was more important to Joseph to preserve the integrity of God’s glory in supernaturally bringing Jesus into the world. He values God’s glory more than his own personal pleasure. That’s real strength and self-control.

True manhood is about putting God’s glory above our own desires. Just like Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, giving ourselves for others, turning our backs on personal glory, personal fulfillment, personal pleasure, for God’s glory. This is only possible when we seek God’s heart before our own, it’s only possible through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit birthing in us a desire to honor Him over ourselves. Where is your heart this Christmas?

A Man of Christmas doesn’t repay evil for evil, obeys God even when it doesn’t make sense, and values God’s glory over personal desires. This kind of man can only be made possible through the power of the Holy Spirit in a man’s inner being made new through the revelation of God’s love in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus, who became human to live the perfect life we could not, so He could die the death we deserve, so we can have His eternal life which we don’t deserve.

Believe and follow Jesus and become a Man of Christmas.

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