Thursday, September 26, 2013

Coming Glory

I'm sure you have noticed the leaves in our area.  They are changing their shade and putting on their coats of many colors signifying Yahweh's favor over them.  It’s just the beginning of the coming glory of this region during this season.  There is an excitement that I experience as I think about the family trips to harvest parties and apple picking. 
Then I am reminded of the coming frustration associated with this season, the “leaf-peepers.”  That is what we Vermonters call the "out-of-staters" who drive around gawking at the brilliant colors as they drive through the mountain passes.  These are those who drive 35 MPH in a 50 MPH zone and hold me up while I am in a hurry to make a meeting.  Even though there will be times of intense frustration, as I restrain my propensity toward road rage since I am originally from NY, it still doesn't compare to the anticipation of watching my daughter experience all the wonders of Fall in Vermont. 

This makes me think of something Paul wrote, "(18) For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us. (19) For the creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God." (Romans 8:18-19, ESV) 

This glory, that we are empowered by, in anticipation through faith in His promise, far outweighs the frustrations we experience in this present age and life.  Whatever happens in our government, whatever the state of the economy, however aggravating and menial our tasks may be at work, or even the sin, or propensity toward doing the wrong thing, that I can't seem to shake even when I try so hard, none of these things outshine the coming glory we have guaranteed to us in Christ Jesus. 

This promise motivates us toward being like Him, loving like Him, and serving like Him.  All Creation looks forward, with us, with intense desire for "that day."  Even the leaf-peepers can't steal my joy! This promise, and the assurance of it, is the way we experience "that day" right now, even in the midst of our present struggles.  We walk in the Spirit, by faith, holding on to the future hope; this is our inheritance and our possession provided through the work of Jesus Christ!